On this website, you will find many grammar exercises, explanations in different formats: videos, audio documents, downloads, grammar rules...
Present Tenses Games / Past Simple, Past Progressive Present Perfect Tense Games / Conjunctions Games / Passive Vs. Active Voice Games / Articles (the/a/an) - Definite/Indefinite Games / Modals / Modal Verbs Games / Prepositions & Conjunctions Games / Conditionals Games / Gerunds (-ing) and Infinitives (to) Games / Adjectives and Adverbs Games / Assorted Grammar Games
Grammar Games
Grammar can seem like a confusing subject, even for more advanced learners, so learning the basics early with grammar games like these can make later reading and writing lessons feel much less intimidating. In the grammar games below, your students will explore parts of speech like nouns, verbs, and adjectives, how to tell a complete sentence from a fragment sentence, and much more.
La grammaire anglaise Educastream